Saturday, June 28, 2014

35 Weeks Today! Time Hurry Up, but Time Slow Down!!!!!

Oops, I've been too lazy to blog!
I got a text from my best friend Shelly late last week asking why I hadn't blogged lately!  To be honest - there hasn't been a lot going on (at least I didn't think) and time has flown by!  But as I'm reminded - there are lots of people who are interested in my journey that may not be super close to me, so don't hear about everything that's going on.  So ya'll can thank Shelly for this post!  LOL

I didn't really realize I hadn't blogged since telling everyone about this journey - so there is actually quite a bit to tell I suppose!

As my title says - today I am 35 weeks pregnant!  For those of you who don't understand the week deal - most  babies go to full term which is 40 weeks - so yes, we are basically pregnant for 10 months, rather than 9!  Pretty crazy!

David and I were talking last night about how long we had been on this journey - I began this process March of 2013, so it's been going on quite a while, but yet seems like it just started!

Although I am excited to have the baby, I am pretty sad it is flying by so fast and that it will be over pretty quick :(

God willing, my due date is August 2.  Although at one point he was measuring a week early, so we were thinking it would be late July.  Who knows??? It's not our decision - we will let him and Him decide that part!  My goal is to keep him healthy and comfy in my stomach for as long as he can!  I want a healthy baby boy for J & D!  

My mom's family reunion is scheduled for August 2, so I'd love to be able to attend - whether it's with or without him!  LOL  I believe if he was born at 37 weeks or so, there wouldn't be too much to worry about with his health!  So time will tell!  IT'S SO SUPER EXCITING THOUGH!  

Modern Medicine
All that talk about weeks brings me to my next thought - modern medicine!  This journey would not have been possible without modern medicine.  When I sit and think about what is inside me and how it got there (not just the easy insertion part) - it is so amazing that people have figured out how to do that!

As I look back on my life, some of my earliest memories are in a hospital!  When I was in 2nd grade, my mother had gallbladder surgery and complications from it caused her to almost die!  I won't mention the doctor's name, but he has passed away and I can't say that when I heard of his passing I shed a tear!  I remember seeing her suffer in the hospital and at home.  I remember having to stay with my brother Julian and his wife.  I remember being 8 years old and worried she would die.  It sucked!  I also remember becoming closer to my Daddy.  He wasn't the closest, most nurturing father - but he bought me anything I wanted!  I remember him buying me a big, beautiful white rabbit that had pastel overalls on (I better still have it in storage David Ramirez).  I remember the two of us having dinner in the hospital and going through the cafeteria line and seeing frozen yogurt for the first time!  

Fast forward a couple of years and put my Daddy in the hospital bed!  My mom had pretty much recovered from her complications (although she still to this day may have pain from it).  My Dad became diabetic and ended up having heart failure, needing a heart transplant ( I may as well add my two cents here and say that if I were president I would make it mandatory that every person had to be an organ donor - I feel strongly about this - and because of it my two kids as well as myself are donors).  He refused to get on  the waiting list for a heart because of timing, financial reasons, and not wanting to live a life like that!  He ended up dying when he was 50 and when I was 12.  It was hard seeing that as a child.  It didn't bother me then as much as it bothers me now.  I would give anything for him to be able to see my two kids and meet my husband David.  If David loves my brother Julian and loved my Uncle Frank because of their sense of humor and brutal honesty - he would adore my Daddy!!!  My Dad was a real jackass at times, but was funny, loved sports, often had a foul mouth, and loved food - yep - I'm pretty much a female version of him and I often apologize to my Mom for embarrassing her at times! The other day she said to me "I never have to worry about you Jennifer" - which made me feel proud!  I feel the same way about my Kimberly!

Back to "modern medicine" info - I have prayed many many times the last few weeks for three babies!  An ex-coworker of mine named Mendi gave birth to her sweet son Brooks at around 26 weeks.  He is so teeny tiny and will remain in the hospital (which is a long trip from her house) until probably September or so.  Please keep him in your prayers!  My ex-coworker Lisa facebooked about a baby named Piercen that was in the womb sick and was born earlier this month, full term, but with many heartbreaking complications. Please keep him in your prayers! Lastly, my cousin Gerald is expecting a new son named Chase and his wife Christa is in the hospital at about 33 weeks now because her water was leaking.  She went in at 31 weeks and will be there until delivery, which is as long as possible!  We want Chase to continue to grow!  I am so thankful that so far everything has gone great with the baby I am carrying and I pray things continue to go great!

I don't know where these doctors and nurses get their brains from - but through this surrogacy journey and watching t.v., and reading about these sick babies, I am in absolute awe and admiration of their abilities.  One of my close friends Kourtney lost her beautiful son Otto to cancer several months ago and when we visited them in the hospital, her husband Gus explained to me about the doctors at Texas Children's Hospital - he said most were pretty young and they were all different nationalities, etc.  Super cool!  

Happy Happenings!
These are in no particular order by the way.

*on the day of our transfer I gave J & D some white and black iBelieve bracelets I got from Scripture Haven - they have cool scripture readings on them.  David has a black one and I have a white one as well.  I don't take mine off and haven't since November (except for the one time I dropped it at my brother's house, thankfully David found it for me), David wears his pretty much every day too!  I also got them a handmade cross and a Willowtree Angel.  J gave me a beautiful bracelet from India

*I suggested J & D record their voices for the baby so that I could play it for him to listen to so that he can recognize their voices - they did and I play the cd for him often!  I think he likes their voices because he seems to move a little more when it's playing :)

*David is still a huge supporter of this!  He tells anyone who will listen what I'm doing - I got my teeth cleaned a few weeks ago and David had gone a few days before me.  The hygenist said David had told her all about it and was so excited!  He also loves telling people "it's NOT MINE" so that he can make a joke!  He's silly!

*I have gained 13 lbs so far!!!  Not too bad I suppose - with my two kids I gained, well let's just say A LOT MORE THAN THAT!

*on the day of delivery D will cut the cord and the baby will be handed to J so that they can begin the bonding process!!!  David will then hand me a Dos XX with lime and salt and we will toast to getting through this, having a healthy son for them, and being able to drink once again!  JUST KIDDING OF COURSE!  I'm not a real big drinker, but for some reason I am craving a beer - so David and I joke that he will have me one in the hospital!  

*J & D will have their own room in the hospital

*Kimberly and I attended J's baby shower in May - it was so neat to meet her family and friends!  I am blessed that she invited us.

*I am giving J a baby shower in July with some of my close friends and family.  I want my friends to get to meet her and see how great she is!  They have heard about her for a very long time, so I am excited for them to see her in the flesh!

*I am taking great care of this baby boy, but when I picture delivery day and handing him over, I am not sad about "giving him up"!  The truth is he's never been mine to begin with and I cannot wait to see him with his Mommy and Daddy!  I will cry about that for sure!  SO EXCITING!

*I am planning on pumping my milk for another baby that is in need of breastmilk!  J began taking lactation pills and is already making her own milk for the baby I am carrying - HOW DAMN AWESOME IS THAT????!!!!!  I'm telling you - modern medicine is freakin' great!!!  I am a little nervous about the pumping thing because I never attempted that with my two kids, nor attempted breastfeeding - it always kinda grossed me out (my Mom gets mad when I say that and I can hear her say "that's what they're for").  We shall see how that works out for me!

That's all I can think of right now.  I'm going to attempt to attach a recent pic of my "belly bump" and also a link for baby Piercen's info and baby Brooks' info!  If you can't click and find the info, google their info!!  I promise to update again in a couple of weeks!

Baby Brooks Info:

Prayers for Piercen Facebook Page:

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