Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter - my favorite Holiday!

Today has been a beautiful day!  My Chelle came down to attend church with us.  Nothing makes me happier than attending church as a family.  I don't attend church as often as I should - but when I do, I feel at peace and am ready to begin a new week, and when my whole family is there, it makes it that more special!!!

Easter has always been my favorite holiday - I love all the beautiful pastel colors, eggs, candy, and food it all brings!  It's so sad and different not having small children to do baskets and hunts for!  Time sure flies by :(

April is also the month of my brothers' birthdays.  I am lucky to have two older brothers and be the only girl in my family!  I always wanted a sister, but to be honest - I'm not real good about sharing the spotlight - so being the only girl is fine by me! My brothers are only a year apart and grew up very close.  My brother Sam is awesome, but I am closest to my brother Julian.  He lives across the street from me and has always spoiled me and been there for anything I need.  I have leaned on him many times in my life and he is one of the most caring people I've ever known.  He and David are super close, which makes me happy.  He is also super funny and crazy and makes me laugh every time we talk!

April is also prom season!  Little David went to Navasota's prom earlier this month and will go to Anderson's prom in May.  I can't believe he is old enough to be going to prom!

To me April also means beginning to wrap up another school year.  This year has been one of the most stressful ever, for many of my friends and co-workers! Our district is going through lots of changes - many make me sad. I personally haven't gone through many things - yet!  We have an upcoming election where I'm hoping lots of changes will be made.  I'm excited to end the school year - it means rest for the summer and a new start in the fall - thanks be to God!

Speaking of summer - this will only be the second year out of twelve that I haven't taught summer school!  I am 25 weeks pregnant, so I've decided to take it easy this summer and rest both months!  My due date is August 2, so I plan on relaxing quite a bit before then!  As far as baby news - nothing much is happening!  I gained another three pounds (a total of 8 so far), the baby is kicking a lot and it's so awesome!  J and D came down last week for an appointment and things continue to look good with the baby.  Time seems to be moving quickly.  J has a shower next month that I will attend :) , and my friends and I will be giving her one this summer as well!  

Some baby info that I didn't blog about sooner: (I don't want to bore you with every detail, but I think these things are exciting!!!)

*we transferred one embryo in November - from what I understand you can fit about 40 embryos on one of grain of rice - so you can see what a miracle this baby is!

*the transfer only took about five minutes - it's similar to a pap smear - doesn't take long and you're in and out and can pretty much continue your day as usual!

*you then wait for beta results a few days later from a blood test!  

I had bought a pregnancy test to test at home, but David and Kimberly and J all told me to be patient and wait on actual numbers from the clinic!  I was cool with that if the results were good, but if the results were going to be bad I wanted to be prepared! I'm a member of some online groups of surrogates and most of them pressured me to test as well, but I went ahead and was patient - which is out of the ordinary for me!  And being patient worked out!!!

J actually got my lab numbers first and called me on a Friday in November to confirm that my numbers were high and the pregnancy was positive! I thought it was very special for her to know before me - afterall, it's HER BABY!!!  You then have several more blood tests for several weeks to make sure things are progressing and numbers are increasing 

*J and D didn't want a gender reveal party (although Kimberly and I did!!!)..........there was no such thing when I had my two kids, so I thought it would be super cool to do something fun to find out the gender of the baby! David thought it was silly, because it's not my baby, but I told him I wanted to do something fun so he went along with it!  LOL  

I felt like it was boy because I as hardly sick at all - with Kimberly I was VERY sick, with Lil' D I was a little sick, and with this baby I wasn't sick at all! 

Anyway - we did a new test that has only been around about a year - called "Verify" - it's a simple blood test that tests for abnormalities and gender and it's 100% positive on the gender - no mixups!  I believe you can do this test as early as 11 weeks!  J and D decided on the test and the doctor called J to tell her the gender and she then ordered a cake for us from Cake Junkie and Kimberly also got cupcakes for us.  We then ordered Wings and had dinner at my Mom and Stepdad's house and cut the cake to see blue inside!!!  So fun!!!!!!   

That's about all I can think of right now - I'll blog soon about other cool things that are happening in my life and with the baby as well!